Lung cancer is considered a common cancer. According to the latest global statistics, 1.8 million people are diagnosed with lung cancer every year. In Thailand, lung cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in men and the 4th most common cancer in women.
Lung cancer is the number 1 risk of death.
Although lung cancer is not the most common cancer, But lung cancer is the cancer with the number 1 death rate because lung cancer is a serious disease. And cancer is often found when it has spread. Even other cancers that many people have, such as breast cancer or prostate cancer. But lung cancer causes death at a higher rate than other cancers. Therefore, lung cancer is considered a terrible disease. The main risk factors for lung cancer are smoking. Including second-hand smoking, that is, not smoking yourself but receiving cigarette smoke from others. Other risk factors in the development of lung cancer. Such as radon gas, asbestos, and a family history of lung cancer
Cigarettes are the main cause of lung cancer.
In the period before cigarettes existed Lung cancer carries It is a strange disease that is found rarely. But after there was widespread smoking As a result, there is a lot of lung cancer occurring in this world. Subsequent studies have found that cigarettes are an important risk factor for lung cancer. There are many carcinogenic substances in cigarettes, especially tar, which makes it look like there is asphalt on the lungs. It is estimated that If there is no cigarette Lung cancer will be reduced by 80-90% worldwide. But among Asian people, such as Thais, lung cancer has a special characteristic: 40-60% of cancers that occur in Thai people do not come from smoking. But it is caused by an abnormality of certain genes in the cells. which is a trigger for cancer
Lung cancer and the danger signs that are being ignored
Symptoms of cancer such as coughing, tiredness, weight loss, lack of energy, loss of appetite, body or bone pain. It can be seen that these symptoms are not specific to cancer. and is often found in people who already smoke By the time cancer develops symptoms, it is usually in its final stages.
Therefore, it is recommended that people at high risk Those who have smoked for more than 30 pack years (calculated from the number of packs smoked per day x the number of years smoked, such as 2 packs per day, 15 years = 2×15 = 30 pack years, etc.) or those who have quit smoking less than 15 years, come for a low dose check. CT chest (computed tomography of the lungs) once a year to find early cancer (lung cancer screening) helps find early lung cancer which has a higher chance of being cured. If the treating doctor is suspicious, he or she will send for a lung biopsy to confirm the tissue. After confirming that you have lung cancer, a CT or PET/CT will be done along with a brain MRI to diagnose the stage of the disease. to plan further treatment
lung cancer treatment
lung cancer treatment If it’s the first stage, surgery is used along with radiation and chemotherapy, depending on the patient. size of cancer and the location of the cancer. If it has spread or known as “Stage 4”, it will use drug treatment, which includes chemotherapy, targeted therapy or immunotherapy, which is giving drugs to make blood cells Whitens the cytotoxic T cell group to destroy cancer cells more efficiently. which is increasingly being used in many types of cancer
However, chemotherapy treatment or targeted drugs It also plays an important role in cancer treatment. Treatment results immunotherapy It depends on the ufabet type of cancer and the patient. It is considered a drug used to treat lung cancer and has been used for the past 4-5 years.
Therefore, I want to campaign to help reduce and quit smoking. To reduce risk factors But if you have it, you want to find lung cancer in its early stages because there is a chance that it can be cured.