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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Unexpected benefits of facial massage

Facial massage is not just about touching your skin gently, but is a process that helps rejuvenate your skin from within. Stimulating blood circulation on your face helps bring more oxygen and nutrients to your skin, which results in a noticeably brighter complexion. Face massage

Prevention to help you stay away from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common disease cause by the bulging of small blood vessels in the rectal mucosa, including the laxity of the connective tissue of the rectal mucosa. If you are concern about hemorrhoids, which are common in people who have problems with defecation. Which

Washing hair with basic steps that are right for you.

Hair is often the first thing we notice when we meet someone. Shiny, smooth hair can boost self-confidence and make a good impression on others. Keeping your hair healthy can help reduce the problem of dry, damaged, brittle, or falling out. The correct way to

The benefits of carrots help strengthen brain function

Carrot is a plant with a sweet, crisp taste. It is popularly eat both fresh (raw) and cooked. Carrots is a plant in the coriander family that has underground tubers. It comes in a variety of colors including orange, red, yellow, white, and purple. Both the